Friday, 27 August 2004

Introduction to the meaning of numbers

The quality of the number one is related with unit and whole, but without consciousness about it self. There is a high potential and the start opportunity for realization (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). It is the begining. Something new has started. A seed has been planted. There is potential growth in new directions (Gail Fairfield)

The quality of the number two is related with polarity. Also can mean conflict and generate doubt. The number two is not self-sufficient and searches for a solution. (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). In the number two there is a clear division or separation. Can block or negate something in order to reinforce, claim and strengthen the opposite option (Gail Fairfield).

quality of number three is related with what is in process of formation, a force in motion; decisions have been taken, but the aim has not been reached (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). Number three is the level of clarifying, getting better, and expression. Is the level of planning. Here, at the beginning, details are bear in mind in order to prepare the plans for action (Gail Fairfield).

The quality of the number four is related with whole in the process of formation and the limitations of reality (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). With the number four, a plan or project turns into reality. There is a sensation of solidity, something is firmly established in a invarible way (Gail Fairfield).

The quality of number five is related with getting high in life and has a revolutionary quality that takes into new dimensions of life (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). What seemed stablish, is now suffering a reaction and being affected. It has to adapt, change or sit down in other way (Gail Fairfield).

During a brief period of time, the quality of the number six reunite elements or circumstances in a harmonious way in a symmetrical influence of great beauty (Edgar Cayce); which falls and recreates in a cyclicaly, adapting with great agility to circumstances (Karen Hamaker-Zondag; Gail Fairfield).

Seven is the number of spirituality and esoteric performance (Edgar Cayce). Number seven is related to a personality trait or a behaviour that produces a reaction in the outside, but maybe the individual has not absorbed yet the consequences of what he is doing. Represents, not only the sin, but also the preparation for expiation and redemption (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). The septile aspect has a karmic quality: it works unconsciously from hidden motivations or invisible forces that push to act or react (Gail Fairfield).

The number eight indicates the commercial exchange (Edgar Cayce). The semisquare aspect in astrology in related with stress and alert states just before an action begins, like when the runners are at the start line, waiting to hear the shot. On the other hand, the sesquisquare aspect is also related with stress and alert states, but while an actions is going on, like when a traffic light is about to turn red (Tito Macià).

The number nine is related with the integration of the high and the low. Represents the cycles of fall and the difficult climb that follows. It is connected to a movement that is chased after with great energy in some direction, but without an aim (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). In the number nine there is an integration in the forward movement. There is a situation that does not need much demands to keep in forward movement. Because everything is flexible and in order, there is a flow in a forecast direction (Gail Fairfield). The number nine is making for that termination in the forces in natural order of things that come as a change inminent in the life (Edgar Cayce).

The number ten has a non-linear quality (Edgar Cayce), so that apparently insignificant events acquire a decisive influence, while others apparently of great magnitude pass entirely unnoticed (butterfly effect). All depends on whether its quality matches the nature of the bifurcation point (Gail Fairfield).

The quality of number eleven (!) is related with organization of elements to establish an order of priorities (Gail Fairfield). It indicates that a certain area of life is experienced in a unidirectional way, proceeding with intensity and concentration, according to the previously established plan (Gail Fairfield).

The quality of the number twelve is related with maturity, sophistication and internal complexity that allows you to react to the environment with greater awareness, sensitivity, adaptation and self-control (Gail Fairfield; Edgar Cayce; Bruno and Louise Huber).