Saturday 28 June 2014

The quincunx aspect in the House Horoscope, transfer and adapt the previous experience when developing new activities

The quincunx aspect (angle of 150º = 5 x 30º) combines the sensitivity and awareness of number 12 (360º / 12 = 30º), with the capacity for self-organization and adaptation of number 5. 

Although the trine can reach a very high degree of talent with practice, its expression is restricted to the context of its development, where it unfolds naturally, but once it starts its activity, it is extremely resistant to its modification.

"Karate Kid" (1984) [trine]

But the quincunx is very sensitive and can direct the activity consciously, although the degree of execution is quite inferior to that of the trine. The main advantage of the quincunx is its ability to transfer and adapt previous experience when developing new activities.

"Karate Kid" (1984) [quincunx]