This are the astrological aspects based on number 18:
- seminovile: H18 = 20º
- (penta)seminovile: 5·H18 = 100º
- (hepta)seminovile: 7·H18 = 140º
The seminovile aspect (harmonic 18) belongs to the family of talent aspects, which derive from the division of the circle (360º) by the number 3, such as the trine (harmonic 3), the sextile (harmonic 6), the novile (harmonic 9) and the semisextile (harmonic 12).
To understand better its meaning, the number 18 can be decomposed into 9 x 2, then, the quality of adaptation to cycles of the number 9 (novile) is combined with the quality of opposition and blocking of the number 2 (opposition).
To understand better its meaning, the number 18 can be decomposed into 9 x 2, then, the quality of adaptation to cycles of the number 9 (novile) is combined with the quality of opposition and blocking of the number 2 (opposition).
The seminovile aspect (harmonic 18) is related with activities that are incompatible with the current cycle, such as partying --instead of studying or training-- at the time of academic exams or sports competitions.
"The Company Men" (2010)
Rosemarie Dewitt, actress of the movie "The Company Men" (2010), has Pluto in seminovile@20º with Mars-Uranus (which are conjunct Venus-Mercury-Sun, and trine Jupiter); and Saturn in (hepta)seminovile@140º with Neptune.